2016 W2T Tyler
July 29, 2016 5g gaiwan, [5.5]
Much more subdued experience this time around. Tasted against the poundcake 2016 and the latter was bigger and pushed Tyler out of the way.
Has the huigans, soft tannins, and background sweetness.
July 21, 2016 5g glazed pot, [6.9]
Fruitness but with leather and furniture. Surprising aged smell of damp leaves.
Wash medium viscosity. Very light. Wet leaf has note of grape leaves
- Colour is on the lighter side, and more beige than yellow. Reminds me of Last Thoughts. Active aftertaste, umami. Not bitter, and only a tiny bit astringent. Medium to high thickness.
- No smoke, elegant, honey aroma, light, very pleasant, sweet empty cha hai
- Super clean liquor, yellow peach, beige. Soft tannins, goes deep down affects throat, sweetness, aftertaste is juicy long, feeling energy, relaxing, texture is smooth, heat back ears prickle, eye qi,
- Lotus aroma, and taste but with sweetness. Longer steep with bitterness and astringent.
- Much sweeter, almost an aged taste, salivating super heating, gentle back sweat, uplifting
- Really pleasant sweetness, not overpowering qi.
I really enjoyed this one, beige and yellow-peach rather than yellow. Not bitter at all unless pushed, soft tannins, medium+ thickness. Feel the liquor going deep down, really gentle heating up the back to the ears, prickling, eye qi. Many fruit notes, but with leather and furniture. Really “elegant”, more than the other 2016 I have tried so far. It may seem wrong to say but this one reminds me of the Last Thoughts 2015 in character. Nice leaf material, very uniform, medium size leaves.