2009 DTH Yiwu
October 1, 2016, 3.5g/64ml gaiwan [6.6]
Dry leaf: sweet slight mint, similar to YQH, slight camphor, material looks nicer than 2008.
Wet leaf: some biter strength, ripe fruits, no funk.
Wash: Clean, sweet, salivation, med-high thickness, back throat taste
- Thick (med-high) slight blank arrival, mild sweet huigan, Pungent florals on empty cup
- Some nice bitterness, wet leaf is dark fruit with furniture polish. Strength abundant, penetrating mouth surface. Bigger flavour now. Emergent aroma, long huigan. Floral sweet, red grape skins.
- Very good bitterness, strength, tannins, emergent high florals.
- Still thick, big flavour, sweet aftertaste with tannins, slight vibration back of neck and shoulders.
- Quite a lot of tannins. Nice gaiwan lid aroma pungent honey
- Reminds me a bit of tannins and bitterness of WS Hongyin. Lots of tannins but great sweet aftertaste. Some heat on the face, very slow and low intensity. Now feeling a very general increase of qi flowing. Face numb, heavy, cooling, gently uplifting but involves arms face and neck for sure.
- Long sweet aftertaste, quite astringent. Rough, feeling qi on neck. Digestion.
- Sweet aftertaste, not too bad astringency now
- More uplift on a longer steep, more sweetness and smokiness (!)
- Mild body action, no sleepiness, mild uplift
The overall qi activation is mild, though clear. Good aroma, good huigans, quite strong tannins. I preferred the 2008 due to less tannins but similar strength in the other aspects.