2003 Wistaria Zipin

5.5g/70ml gaiwan. [8.0] Thanks again to James for the opportunity to try this cake. I am greatly enjoying this tea, very powerful, darker than the Nannuo Ziyin which I slightly...

2016 EoT Club Secret Forest Maocha

July 15, 2016, 6g/100ml gaiwan [3.6] Smell of lychee, apricot, mango, incredibly fruity dry leaf smell. Like a fruit compote. Wet leaf has a more herbal and grainy aroma. The...

2007 YQH Lingya

July 11, 2016, 5.1g/70ml gaiwan, [7.6] YQH house aroma, sweet camphor Light peach wash, ozone Damp leaf basement, pungent, similar to Cangliu Wash is good, slight salivation, Thick, very clear...