2003 Chenyuan Hao Yiwu

5.8g/90ml Yixing, Toronto filtered Tap. Tryptych, Eliane Radigue (1978) Faint fruity fermentation aroma on damp leaf. Wash has a touch of smokiness to it. Wet leaf has an attractive woody...

2005 Chenyuan Hao Shanzong Chuanqi

5.6g/95ml Yixing pot, Toronto filtered tap. Light orange brew, clear liquor, still firmly semi-aged. Tippy characteristics up front, refreshing and with a slight sharpness. Remarkably viscous and thick. Superb empty...

2003 Chenyuan Hao Youle

5.2g/85ml gaiwan, Toronto filtered tap. Yeasty aged aroma on dry leaf, fermented fruit aroma. Wet leaf has a rich sweet woody fruity aroma. There is a tippy or brassy aroma...

Naked Yiwu 001

Apr 4, 2022 5g/85ml gaiwan, Toronto filtered tap. 4 years @ 32C storage in Mylar. Wood smoke on dry leaf and wash, but not in the wet leaf. Pleasant, rich/sweet...

2004 Nanqiao SEA Commemoration Cake

Small leaf grade, aggressive Malaysian storage, dark leaves. Medicinal aroma, rich deep wood rosin. Classic aged puerh flavours, a bit of soft sweet cereal aroma, oily woody sweet broth, almost...

2007 Dayi 8542

thick cake, very strong compression, and small leaf grade. mild resin wood on dry leaf Light wash, clear, and thick. Wet leaf has mild aroma. Maybe some apricot Strong plummy...

2011 Dayi 7742

Dry leaf is a bit pungent! cat pee! resin. raisin wet leaf, sweet jam and wood. sweet aftertaste, a bit roasty, and a quick uplift, tippy and alerting but very...

2016 Essence of Tea Club Manlin

This was one of the better/more normal teas received in the 2016 Essence of Tea Puerh Club, and I stored half of this cake for 5 years in heated storage...

Naked Yiwu 001

5g/85ml Toronto filtered tap in Yixing. Steeps 3,4,7 are heavy test steeps. This cake has been in mylar at 32C since September 2018. Dry cake smells as good as it...