2004 Yao’an Fuyuanchang

Malaysian natural dry storage 5.5g/85ml gaiwan, Toronto filtered tap Wonderful sweet woody incense aroma on warmed dry leaf. Clear liquor, dark orange, concentrated. Concentrated flavour, woody incense, bittersweet, lots of...

Traditionally stored shou brick (C)

5.5g/90ml gaiwan, toronto filtered tap. Flaky, dry material, clearly has significant age and with some white frost indicating wet storage. Wash is surprisingly clean and clear. No geosmin aroma. Wet...

2003 Millenial Jingmai

5.5g/85ml gaiwan. Toronto filtered tap. Heavy geosmin storage aroma on warmed dry leaf. This has enjoyed Malaysian natural storage, but definitely on the wetter end. Clear dark orange liquor. Dark...

2004 Nanqiao SEA Commemoration Cake

Small leaf grade, aggressive Malaysian storage, dark leaves. Medicinal aroma, rich deep wood rosin. Classic aged puerh flavours, a bit of soft sweet cereal aroma, oily woody sweet broth, almost...

2007 Dayi 8542

thick cake, very strong compression, and small leaf grade. mild resin wood on dry leaf Light wash, clear, and thick. Wet leaf has mild aroma. Maybe some apricot Strong plummy...

2011 Dayi 7742

Dry leaf is a bit pungent! cat pee! resin. raisin wet leaf, sweet jam and wood. sweet aftertaste, a bit roasty, and a quick uplift, tippy and alerting but very...

2011 Chenyuan Hao Qianjiazhai Jincha

Teas We Like tasting panel evaluation 5g/85ml gaiwan, toronto filtered tap Dry leaf is tippy, with strong compression. Dark brown, golden, black. Wet leaf has pungent resin, and is high...