Yangqing Hao 2012 Yeh Gu

This is a “wild tree” 2012 production by Yangqing Hao from a “protected state forest”. It’s over 1$/g and is not usually available, due to very small inventory. This tea...

2019 White2Tea INB4 & 2019 is a Gift

I’ve enjoyed sampling White2Tea’s new productions every year because I usually find something that really interests me, maybe something different or unique. Paul is a producer with a very singular...

2016 W2T Poundcake

July 29, 2016, 5g in 80ml gaiwan. [4.5] Smoky, smoke on wet leaf too. Medium+ thickness.   Can taste the stir fry.  Char.  Sweet and smoky “Lapsang Souchong” taste for the...

2016 W2T Into the Mystic

5.2g 70ml glazed pot. [4.5] Dry leaf fruity pungent honey daisy. Strong bitter smell wet leaf, wash very light, young sheng taste, aftertaste active, but mild. Slight smoke on aroma,...