Farmerleaf Gulan 2020

Recently I have been really impressed with and appreciative of the informative videos produced by William Osmont over at Farmerleaf. It is unusual to find a tea-maker as transparent, as...

90s 7581 Kunming Brick

The Kunming 7581 Shou brick is one of the best-known and most well-loved reference products in all of puerh tea. The standard version of the brick made from the 70s...

2000 Manzhuan via KR

29 Jan 2017, 4.5g/85ml shibo [6.6] Thanks to Wooju for this sample. Dry and damp leaf has some funky fruity fermentation aroma, slight geosmin but very light.  Wet leaf is...

2008 DTH Yiwu

Oct 10, 2016 3.5g/64ml gaiwan [6.8] Dry: Pungent fruity, no storage Damp: Clean pungent fruity Wet: Great pungent plum, candy, red dates, longan, other fruits. Wash: Active, strength coating, salivation,...